OutSourcing- Creating a New Class of American Poor
This holiday week-end, instead of hitting the beaches, i went Air Conditioner shopping, as my old A.C'S decided to finally give up their lives and with the early swealtering heat, all I could think of was running to the nearest Lowe's to get A.C's. It seemed every one had the same idea and there seemed to be a mad dash to that section. Since it was mostly men who were shopping, they all seemed to know which one to pick. Unfortunately that was not the case with me!, My level of expertise in this field was to point the remote to the A.C and turn it on.
So I did the next best thing, I went looking for a store clerk to help me through this maze!. Lucky for me, I found a clerk soon, who was very helpful and advised me not to buy the whole store just to install my A.C, thanks to him, i did not end up buying useless pile of must haves, which i saw someone else pick up!
While, he was filing my delivery order status, I asked him how long he had been working in this store. At that time, it seemed like an harmless question to kill the time, while my order was being processed, polite chitchat you know! (the polite thing to do according to my mother), But I ended up hearing more than I bargained for. He told me, he just started a week ago, and how he used to be in customer service in a major telecommunications company, but after 10 years of working for them, he was let go, not due to his poor job performance, but the company's CEOS decided it is profitable to outsource his job!!!. I could see the man's pain and betrayal in his eyes, even then, all he could say was, how he was one of the lucky ones to find another job quickly and many of his colleagues were not so lucky. They still had to pay the bills, provide for their children all without a sustainable income!!.
All of a sudden, out sourcing was not just another by word we used in our coffee chats, it had very personal undertones. We hear of many major companies out sourcing all the customer service positions to third world countries, but no one thinks about the Americans who held these posts previously, what is to become of them?, sure some may find other positions, but what about others, whom it may not be a viable option?. What is to become of them?.For if our major companies act as Profiteers, then are we not in the rick of creating a new class of American Poor?.
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