Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It Runs in the Family

Today started out fine,late as usual to work,I was busy dodging the multitude, trying to reach my office at a reasonable time. There are code of ethics for late arrival.If you arrive say before 9.30 am, then it is not so bad you are just fashionably late, for who counts half an hour late as being tardy anyways.. really!!, but if you try to sneak past closer to ten, then you better have a very good reason.malfunctioning alarm clock worked for me most times, better yet, visit an ailing friend is also a good one, for how could people nay say that without sounding uncharitable?. But I digress,this post is not about providing you with good excuses.

If you live in the city, you know, that any time of the day,the streets of Manhattan are crowded with people in eternal rush and once you are part of the sidewalk crowd you stop at your own peril!!.Walk jogging on high heels, with many acrobatic manoeuvring i dodged the crowd and made it into the lobby of my building and after spending an eternity in the elevator, i got off on my floor and almost made into the reception area of my work place, when to my chagrin, the vice president of the company and need I mention my boss, entered at the same time and looking at me with his usual blank look, held the door open for me " Allow me". Muttering a quick thank you, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible,I quickly escaped to my room.Great, just Great!!!. just perfect!! one of the cardinal rules of late arrival, you never, ever arrive at the same time as your boss!! That set the tone for the day and none was more happier than I when it was time to head on home. what an absolutely miserable day!!I got home and checked my email to find a message from my nine year old niece.!!

um, aunty i was thinking of makeing my own news paper for kids to keep track, not just grown ips to know all the latest things . so what do you think of my idea it will be called........THE KIDS DAILY READ......

it will have all the things kids want to know about. it will be great!
tell me what you thing about it
love your niece.


Today is a great day!!!